The Portugal kingdom, which desired to own most of lands in the Atlantic Ocean permanently, organized many sea expeditions in those areas. Most of those expeditions fulfilled tasks set under the secret gryphon in order to confuse foreign spies working on the territory of the kingdom. At the result of it, name of the real author of historically important discoveries became secret for the world community and absolutely fortuitous persons’ names went down in history. But some adventurers used this opportunity and could adopt those mentionable successes. Sometimes very significant discovery may be showed as the success of quite different person in accordance with special order of the state leader. One of such unjust mission fell to the lot of the Portuguese sea traveler Pedro Alvaresh Cabral.
New gamble occurred in the history of geographical discoveries during last year of XV century. Large marine sailing towards the south and south-east (expedition (1500 members) consisting of 13 vessels (10 nau, 3 karavella), was considered one of large marines) lost its way in the ocean, sailed to the west and approached Brazilian coasts “by accident”. Of course, this thought is absurd. I want to note that, then Christopher Columbus had already discovered coasts of the New World, but nobody believed it. Because Columbus declared that, he had discovered the territory of the Eastern Asia. At the result of it, the discovery of world importance became the success of the adventurer by name Amerigo Vespucci. I described this event in “Amerigo Vespucci, Martin Waldsemuller – secret bargain”.

Pedro Cabral's marine in Lisbon
XV century should be analyzed in order to lay bare the truth. First of all, we have to investigate the leader of the expedition and his authority. Whom he was and why the business of state importance was entrusted him at the time when Spanish seamen competed with him in the Atlantic Ocean? It is interesting that though there was only one route, number of settings was two. And Cabral could overcome this work skillfully owing to experienced staff. Every leader has right to boast of such success.
The biography of Pedro Alvaresh Cabral (1467-1520), which was appointed the leader of the expedition, is very interesting.
Future commander born in 1467 at Belmonte castle, probably, in the family of nobleman began to work in the Kingdom Palace in accordance with the family tradition. His father was governor of Beyran Fernando Cabral and mother was Isabel Huveya. Pedro Huveya (he began to bear father’s surname after death of his elder brother) moved to Lisbon when he was 11 and learned the literature, history, cosmography and military discipline there. King of Portugal Manuel I (1469-1521) accepted Cabral for the Kingdom Council and he was decorated with the Cross Order in the same year. At those days every nobleman couldn’t achieve such successes. Vasco da Gama, who was very influential person, had introduced him as energetic, prompt and skilful administrator. 
                                                  Pedro Alvaresh Cabral (1467-1520)
In accordance with some documents, Pedro Cabral was among noblemen when he was in North Africa and hadn’t any naval experience. But in spite of it, he was entrusted with one of the largest expeditions consisting of 13 vessels. Well-known travelers as Bartolommeo Dias, Nicolau Coelho also were among members of the expedition and Cabral was protector of Don Manuel. He was entrusted with this position owing to the social position of his family and presentation of the father of his future wife Isabel Kashtru (they would be married after Cabral’s travel to India) – Fernando de Noronha.
King Manuel I, who expected a lot from this mission, came to the port and presented the expedition and Cross flags to Cabral. Of course, it was great fame for the expedition leader. Some townsmen, who were aware of the king’s coming, assembled in the port. During recent years several expeditions had started their travels from Lisbon in order to discover new lands. But Manuel I had visited none of them. His coming proved that Cabral’s expedition was very significant. Cabral had to justify this trust.
Bishop of the city Diego de Ortiz blessed everybody at the religious ceremony took place before the travel. 

King of Portugal Manuel I (1469-1521)
In five days after vessels left Lisbon, the expedition passed Canary Islands and reached Green Cape Islands on March 22. The vessel of Vasco da Ataiden vanished at night between 22nd and 23rd March. After Green Cape Islands were left behind, Cabral changed course towards the south – to the Cape of Good Hope of Africa according to the instruction of Vasco da Gama and advices of Bartolommeo Dias. But the marine began to sail to the south-west without depending on them.
Portuguese met with strange event during the travel. They met with the land area (the territory of today’s Porto Seguro located in Bahia) located on western coasts of the Atlantic Ocean on April 22 before reaching the Cape of Good Hope.
                                               (Continue of article: “Portuguese marine travelling to India”)
                    Best regards, the member of Azerbaijan Geographic Society,
                  President grant holder on literature, laureate of the “Golden pen” award,                             
                                               writer/ investigator Ramiz Daniz
                                           email: [email protected],
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