Place of Birth:           Garajalar village, Gardabani region, Georgia Republic
Date of Birth:            04.02.1950

Education:                 Azerbaijan State University, department of physics (now the Baku State University)

Scientific degree:       Doctor of Technical Sciences

Title:   Professor, academician

Topic of PhD thesis:
-         specialty code:  25.00.28
-         specialty name:  Oceanology
-         topic name:   Turbulent exchange in shallow seas and freshwater reservoirs

Topic of doctoral thesis:
-         specialty code:  11.00.07
-         specialty name:  Hydrology Hydrochemistry
-         topic name:  Changeability of hydrophysical fields of the Caspian Sea and their influnce on spreading of pollutants

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
-       date:  2001
-       specialty name:  Geography
Election of active member of ANAS:
-         date:  2014
-         specialty name:  Geography
Total number of printed scientific publications:   310
-         number of scientific publications printed abroad:  83
-        number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases:  12

Staff training:    
-         number of  PhD: 15
-         number of Doctor of sciences:  4
 Basic scientific achievements:     For the first time investigated statistical and spectral characteristics of turbulences on wide spatially and temporary scales in the open part of the Caspian sea, has established of general regularity of distribution and propagation of contaminants in the sea. Has elaborated model for definition of parameters of the upper quasi-homogeneous layer on temperature, if there is speed and wind direction, and also flow of heat through a surface of the sea. The non-stationary model for interaction of atmosphere with the sea is designed, which one at a known course of wind speed allows to determine of parameters of a ground atmospheric slice. The physical and geographical model for calculation of propagation and distribution of contaminants in the Caspian sea is designed under different hydro meteorological conditions, with allowance for of bottom configuration and configuration of a coast zone. Investigated the causes of fluctuation of level of the Caspian sea, has established influencing the different factors on fluctuation of levels, and has elaborated a long-time forecasting of fluctuation of level as a first approximation. Has preformed and has emitted the Complex Hydrometeorological Atlas of the Caspian Sea.

Names of scientific works:   
1. Variability of hydrophysical fields and distribution of contaminants in the Caspian Sea//Baku, 2000, “Elm”
2. Current state of the Caspian Sea//Moscow, 2005, “Science”, 354p.( co-authors: G.N. Panin, I.V.Mitrofanov
3. Hydrometeorological variability and ecogeographic problems of the Caspian Sea// “Elm”, 2007, Baku, 454p.
4. Geography of disaster and risk (humid subtropical zone of the Pontic-Caucasus region // Tbilisi, 2007, 358 p. (co-authors: Bondirev I.V., Tavartkiladze A.M., Litvinskaya S.A.).
5. Anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment of the South Caucasus//Tbilisi, 2008, 450p. (Co-authors: Bondirev I.V., Tavartkiladze A.M.
6. The Landscape planning (first practice and use) R.M. Mammadov, Baku, 2009
7. Piloting Landscape Planning in the Countries of the Southern Caucasus. Hovik Sayadyan, Nodar Elizbarishvili, Ramiz Mammadov, Michael Garforth, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan, 2009.
8. Hydrometeorology of Caspian sea. R.M. Baku, 2013.
Main scientific articles:
1. Experimental study of the diffusion of passive tracer jet in the in surface layer of the sea//Oceanology. 1976, v.16, №8, p.990-994.(Co-authors: Jurbas V.M).
2. Estimation of parameters of turbulence in the Caspian Sea according to the instrumental observations of currents// the News of NA of Azerbaijan SSR, Series of Earth Sciences. 1983, №6, p. 97-104.
3. Influence of physical and oceanographic factors on the distribution of wastewater in the coastal area of the Absheron Peninsula // The News of NA of Azerb.SSR, Series of Earth Sciences. 1983, №6, p. 93-100 (co-authors: Humbatov A.I., Aghalarova N.M., Khalilov A.I.)
4. Long-term prognosis of the Caspian Sea-level // Regional Workshop on Coastal Zone Management. Chabahar. İslamicRepublicIran. 1996 (with Humbatov A.I.)
5. Impact climate anomalies on the level of the Caspian Sea // The Second International Symposium On “Climate and Water”. 1998, Espoo. Finland. p. 972-980. (with Hadiyev Y. and Kulizade L.).
6. Prediction of the Oil Transport and Dispersal in the Caspian Sea Resulting from a Continuous Release // Spill Science & Technology bulletin. 2000, Vol. 6. No 5/6. p. 323-339 (with Mooers N. K., Korotenko K.A.).
7. Modeling of process of the formation of the temperature anomalies in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea// Oceanology.2000, v.40 num.4, p. 500-508(coauthor: Korotenko K.A.).
8. Caspian Sea Level and Ecological problems // International Symposium on the Problems of the RegionalSeas. 2001, Istanbul-Turkey. P.1-11.
9. Prediction of the Transport and dispersal of Oil in the South Caspian Sea Resulting from Blowouts // J. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2002, p. 383–414. (With Korotenko K.A. and Mooers C.N. K.).
10. Transboundary water problems in the Kura – Araks basin // NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Transboundary water resources: strategies for regional security and ecological stability. Novosibirsk. 2003, p. 93-108. (with Mansimov M.R., Ismatova Kh.R.).
11. Particle tracking method in the approach for prediction of oil slick transport in the sea: modelling oil pollution resulting from river input // J. Marine Systems. 2003, 48. p. 159-170. (with Korotonke K.A.).
12. Remote sensing data and GIS technology application far analyze of natural and social-economical characteristics of Azerbaijan offshore zone // Science without borders. Transactions of the InternationalAcademy of Sciences H&E, 2005, Vol. 2. p.191-200. (with Mekhtiyev A.Sh., Ismatova Kh. R., Budaqov B.A.).
13. Dynamics of processes desertification in east part of the AzerbaijanRepublic // NATO Advanced Research Workshop. Bishkek. 2006. p.38-41. (with Ismatova KH.R, Mikailov A.A., Mansimov M.R.).
14. Assessment of anthropogenic loads on landscapes as a tool to determine the potential for sustainable regional development: case study from Azerbaijan // Environment, Development and Sustainability. Springer. 2007, v.9. No.2. p. 131-142. (with Mustafayev B.N.).
15. Integrated water resources management for seven selected wetlands in Urmia lake basin // ANA of Sciences. Proceedings the Sciences of Earth. 2009, No1. p. 80-88. (With Bagherzadeh K. M.).
16. Recent changes in precipitation regime on the territory of Azerbaijan// Geography and natural resources. Novosibirsk, 2009, num.4 (coauthors: Safarov S.G., Safarov E.S.
17. Landscape planning in South Caucasus // Tbilisi. 2009, 180 p. (with Elizbarashvili N., Sayadyan O.).
18. A comparison accuracy study of GPS photogrammetric block adjustment and independet model approch, ANA of Sciences, Proceedings the Sciences of Earth., 2011. #1. p. 89-94. (with Milanlak A.).
19. Satellite Altimetry Applications in the Caspian Sea // Coastal Altimetry / Eds. S. Vignudelli, A.G. Kostianoy, P. Cipollini, J. Benveniste. – Berlin: Springer–Verlag, 2011. – Р. 331–366. M).
20.Hydrometeorological atlas of Caspian Sea, Baku, 2014, 300 p.
21. Impact of Climate Changes on the Caspian Sea Level // Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2015 Vol 6. No 2, p. 87-92.
22. Modeling of the amount of solar energy failing on the panel of solar along the road // National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Reports, LXXI, V-201 #1, 2015, p. 66-72. (with R.Gardashov).
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:     
1. National Coordinator for Azerbaijan in the International Oceanological Center of information and exchange
2. President of the Advisory Council of the regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus countries of the European Union.
Pedagogical activity: BSU, ASPU, Aviation Academy

Awarding and prizes:   Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2016

Place of work and its address:         Institute of Geography named after H.Aliyev of ANAS, 115, av. H.Javid, Baku, Azerbaijan

Office phone: (+994 12) 5382900
Mobil phone: (+994 50) 3167358
Home phone: (+994 12) 5696517
Fax:     (+994 12) 5396966
E-mail:   [email protected]



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