24 September 2013
The Geographic Society and the ANAS precisely defined the boundary points between Europe and Asia which is controversial for a long time. It is known that the boundary between the continents has been passed through the line, adopted in 1964. However, this is disputed border. Therefore, when the Russian Federation as well as Kazakhstan has set the new boundary line, they brought it to the Mangistau Peninsula situated on the east coast of the Caspian Sea. It has been assumed that the continuation of the boundary would pass across the Absheron Peninsula extending along the watershed of the Greater Caucasus and should reach the Black Sea. Proposals are prepared for the line passing through the territory of Azerbaijan. And this is the first time Rashid Fataliyev, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences published articles about it. In turn, the Institute of Geography and Geographic Society determined the border crossing points. On 7 August, near the villages Fatmayi of Absheron and Altiaghaj of Khizi under the direction of Ramiz Mammadov, corresponding member of ANAS, were installed the signs symbolizing the line of the boundary. So, the Institute of Geography of ANAS and the Geography Society presented their suggestions concerning the new border. 34017