22 December 2016
December 20, 2016 was held report meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society, chaired by academician Ramiz Mammadov.

At the meeting, a summary report on the result of 2016 was made by scientific secretary Mirnuh Ismaylov. He informed about eco-tours in nature reserves, national parks, mountaintops, mud volcanoes under the motto “Meeting with Azerbaijan”. Members of the Society participated in the International Festival “Yarydag-2016” conducted by extreme kinds of tourism in Daghestan.

Over the 2016, anniversary of a number of well-known geographers has been celebrated; a number of geographers were awarded prizes for scientific achievements.

One of the most important events for the history of our country’s geography was the awarding of state decorations of the Azerbaijan Republic for the three-volume “Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan” to academician R.M. Mammadov, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor E.K. Alizade, PhD in Geography M.Hasanov and Geography Z.Eminov.

E.K. Alizade and PhD S.A. Tarikhazer were awarded the “Crystal Compass” of the Russian Geographical Society and Gazprom for book entitled “Investigation of eco-geomorphological risks and dangers of the Major Caucasus.

It was noted that in the current year, 52 research papers were published in 2 issues of the journal “Geography and natural resources”, which is a joint publication of the ACS and the Institute of Geography.

Problems such as creation of an international editorial board, publishing of articles of foreign scientists-geographers, creating of a website of the journal have been discussed during the meeting.

E.K. Alizade, R.M. Gashgay, T.G. Hasanov, O.K. Alhazov and others made a speech. They expressed their views on the report and gave suggestions.

It was agreed to hold a conference on “Geographical problems of the development of non-oil sector in the regions” next year together with Lenkoran branch, as well as to organize meetings in several branches of the Society to improve their performance.



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