Amerigo Vespucci died on February 22, 1512. Historians tried to get his archive and diary in order to analyze his activity. However, Amerigo Vespucci didn’t keep any document, gave all of them to his nephew Juan. Juan lost them, instead of keeping. It is so strange, because his nephew, who always worked with his uncle, was very experienced and cautious person and losing important documents wasn’t characteristic for them.
How could such cautious person as Juan lose his uncle’s documents, which were historically important? Of course, the purpose was to hide Amerigo Vespucci’s ruses. The Florentine accountant partly achieved his goal. He didn’t earn any property, only achieved a fame. Nevertheless, he had lost everything and wanted to get his share from lands located on the other side of the ocean. Vespucci was simply used against Christopher Columbus and then left alone.
Who was Amerigo Vespucci? Was he lucky adventurer or swindler, who could deceive scientists of his time professionally? It seems that, even Vespucci didn’t expect such great success. Ten tones of gold and silver and plenty of precious stones were brought to Spain from the coasts of the New World after the discovery of Columbus. Besides Spain, those trophies were used in Portugal, France, England and Holland. Authorities of those countries destroyed cultures of Hindus, which had been saved for hundreds, even thousands of years, and carried their stock of wealth to their countries. Whom had they to thank for it: Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci?

Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512)
Vespucci, who had come from the Apennine Peninsula to the Pyreness as an accountant, tried to introduce himself as a professional cosmographer during whole activity.
Amerigo Vespucci’s activity proves that, he lied in order to achieve fame and did his best in order to make people to believe that he had traveled to the New World for four times. He did it in order to steal fame of Christopher Columbus. Besides, the Florentine accountant tried to keep it secret and not to allow the Portuguese and Spanish travelers to know it.
Almost all historians of the 17-18th centuries thought that, Amerigo was a liar, who tried to steal the fame of Columbus achieved at the result of discovery of the continent. 1
When the Florentine accountant spread information on his fake travels out of the Pyreness Peninsula, scientists noted it in the important documents as the historical fact. According to them, Amerigo Vespucci had made courageous steps – he had traveled to the New World for four times, investigated coasts of the Yucatán Peninsula before the Genoese admiral and discovered the fourth continent. He wanted to be known as a genius traveler. Special talent was needed for making people to believe such lies and Vespucci could do it professionally. Then, who would correct mentioned mistakes? It should be done, because otherwise, supporters of the Florentine accountant as Alexander von Humboldt and Fridrich Varnhagen would appear and add new mistakes to the science.

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
The researcher C. Baker wrote: “Some persons considered him (Vespucci – R. D.) notable researcher, others called skilful butcher and all others described simply as an accursed person”.
Amerigo Vespucci decided to spread letters about his fake travels out of the kingdoms, where he lived, in order to prevent doubts. His lies could be accepted as the truth in the countries, where any witness didn’t exist. The accountant found many supporters around the Pyreness Peninsula and used them as propagandists using his money and authority. The fourth continent was named in favour of the person, who hadn’t a role in the geographical discoveries, instead of the discoverer owing to mentioned propagandists. This mistake hasn’t been corrected though five centuries passed and the land, which was unknown before the end of the 15th century, is still known as America.

Best regards, the member of Azerbaijan Geographic Society,
President grant holder on literature, laureate of the “Golden pen” award,                            
writer/ investigator Ramiz Daniz
email: [email protected],
          [email protected]

  1 Авадяева Е. Н., Зданович Л. И. Сто великих море-плавателей. Москва, «Вече»,1999 г. стр. 78.



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