I got acquainted with the author of this book in June of 2002. The society of “Education” invited me to the scientific-practical conference about “Scientific services of Nasiraddin Tusi and N. Tusi in the activity of the writer and researcher Ramiz Daniz (Gasimov)” and offered me to make speech about his book “Christopher Columbus, Nasiraddin Tusi and discovery of America”. To say the truth I was surprised when heard the author’ name.
Probably, readers know that, R. Daniz works in the Oil Refining Factory of SOCAR as a worker and isn’t high-educated, but I don’t want to speak about his autobiography. As the name of the book was too haughty, I investigated the author’s previous activity and it turned out that, he is the author of several books and trilogy written in this field. After reading his books I asked myself: Who is R. Daniz? Is he a writer or researcher and what does he want to gain? I understood that, he has his own style and tries to combine notions of “writer” and “researcher” and is the first author, who has achieved it. For example, he is a researcher in the above mentioned book and books used for this work prove it. Of course, most of issues mentioned in the book are disputable. But the author shouldn’t be accused for it as his purpose was to lay bare the truth by means of discussions and investigations.
R. Daniz tried to describe different ages together. So, his books resemble scientific annals and historical adventure novels. This style can be considered one of new directions of our literature.
Of course, I’ll not describe the book in the preface. But as the acquaintance with books starts in the preface, it will be advisable to describe main purposes of the book. The book, which is about Tusi’s activity mainly, includes brief information about main results achieved in fields of geography, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, physics etc., their history, conditions of development and authors of those results. The activity of the Azerbaijani traveler and researcher Sheikh Muhammadali Babakuhi Bakuvi has also been described in detail. It is important to know these facts in order to understand Tusi’s activity. Thus, if you want to learn Tusi’s activity, you should learn scientific-social conditions existed in the ancient time and middle ages and role of Eastern scientists in development of world. I think that, the author could overcome this difficult and honorable work.
He has described historical conditions of the age of Tusi, Hulegu khan’s victory on Abbasids and mentioned that, he used advices of scientists before attacking Baghdad. Other skills of Nasiraddin Tusi were discovered after being freed from prison. It turned out that, he was skilful organizer and statesman. He could get permission of the ruler of Mongolia for construction of Maragha observatory and organized this construction. Of course, previous inventions of the scientist had significant role in this achievement. The book includes detailed information about Maragha observatory and scientists, who worked there. The author has compared “Zij-i Ilkhani” and “Zij-i Ulugbek” and proved that, the first work wasn’t worse than the second.
Scientific achievements of Nasiraddin Tusi also were mentioned in the book. The author has mentioned that, the scientist’s “Tahriru Uglidis” was used as a source by most well-known scientists of Europe. According to the author, Tusi had developed trigonometry as an independent branch of science.
Geographical coordinates determined by Tusi by means of simple astronomical equipments were determined more precisely afterwards. It is known that, the world map was made in accordance with coordinates fixed in “Zij-i Ilkhani” and America was described on that map. So, R. Daniz tries to prove that Columbus had used Nasiraddin Tusi’s map during the discovery of America. Readers may ask following question – Was it necessary to write such book about Tusi? The initial answer may be “No”. But it is an unconsidered answer. Thus, how many Azerbaijanis have enough information about great Azerbaijani scientist Nasiraddin Tusi? Unfortunately, the answer of this question is certainly negative.
Investigations prove that, H. Mammadbayli’s book is almost the only monumental work written about Nasiraddin Tusi. It turns out that, we can get the most detailed information about Nasiraddin Tusi by means of the encyclopedia “Cambridge history of Iran”. It is a great gap for Azerbaijani science. R. Daniz gives interesting information about Tusi’s activity in mentioned book. It shouldn’t be forgotten that, he is a writer and has his own style. I think that, it is necessary to inform readers about the Azerbaijani scientist in an interesting and new way.
As it was mentioned above, the author tries to prove that, the map made by Tusi had an important role in discovery of America by Columbus. This thought should be proved by means of additional researches. So, the author has created new issue for researchers though he is a writer.
The author’s style and morphology of sentences are satisfactory, don’t tire readers and the book is read easily. All these facts prove that, the author is talented enough, though he is not high-educated. But education could help him to work on more complicated issues.
R. Daniz is hard-working writer and so, we can wait for his next books soon. I wish him success.
The Associate Member of ANAS,
Doctor of technical sciences, oceanologist,
Academician Ramiz Mammadov


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