Courageous step towards the great purpose
I’m editing new work of the young writer. This work is an explanation of innovations made by Nasiraddin Tusi in the field of astronomy. The author has explained role of Nasiraddin Tusi’s scientific activity in realization of great geographic discoveries in “Christopher Columbus, Nasiraddin Tusi and discovery of America” written after his previous trilogy. He has written that, Nasiraddin Tusi’s works were taken to Columbus’s motherland – Italy, Columbus had analyzed them and went to Spain with those materials in order to organize his travel to India. N. Tusi’s activity, which supported science in Western Europe and global discoveries, has been discovered in the work. I’m editing Ramiz Daniz’s work “The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi”. What made him to write this book? He has gathered a lot of materials about the scientist’s activity and decided to write the second book about Nasiraddin Tusi. He named his work “The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi”. People haven’t been informed enough about works of the scientist written about astronomy, mathematics, geometry, ethics, pedagogy, philosophy and other sciences. So, the author wrote in the book: “… I began to investigate activities of genius personalities of Azerbaijan… Especially activity and scientific heritage of the notable scientist of Azerbaijan Muhammad Nasiraddin Tusi are very interesting. Though he is an author of very significant scientific discoveries, he isn’t known enough in the world”. The author expresses his regret and writes that, Nasiraddin Tusi’s works have been published by most scientists as their own works. Readers, please, be attentive! The well-known Pole scientist N. Copernicus, who lived 250 years before Nasiraddin Tusi, had written the scientist’s theorem “Two circles, diameter of one of which is equal to half of the other one, are on one plane” in his work “Rotation of celestial spheres”. For the first time, this theorem was proved by Nasiraddin Tusi and included in his work “Memories about astronomy”. The wall quadrant used in the observatory of the Dane scientist Tycho Brahe was invented in Maragha observatory as well. Nasiraddin Tusi’s devices and works had influenced the development of astronomy and mathematics in Western Europe, Chine and India. But these facts are unknown for us – N. Tusi’s countrymen. So, Ramiz Daniz tried to give enough information about Nasiraddin Tusi by means of this work.
The author has used historical facts in order to describe Nasiraddin Tusi’s activity. He has analyzed the development of cosmography in the world and mentioned roles of Azerbaijani scientists and especially Nasiraddin Tusi in this field. He especially investigated Tusi’s activity in fields of astronomy, mathematics and diplomacy. The author has proved that, devices invented by N. Tusi are kept in most museums of the world and they had a great role in the development of scientists all over the world. He has named one of headings of the book “N. Tusi’s scientific achievements of global importance”. He has mentioned that, N. Tusi’s “Tahriru Uglidis” (“Recension of Euclid’s Elements”), “Shaklul-qita” and “Collection of Counts” were basis for the development of geometry. The author has mentioned B. A. Rozenfeld’s following thought in order to prove this assumption: “Nasiraddin refused to prove the postulate of parallelism by means of two axioms and postulates and used only one simple postulate and it was an important step for Lobachevski’s proof”. He has proved his ideas by means of 24 items written at the end of the book.
The work of the writer Ramiz Daniz has been written on the basis of rich materials and it explains influence of the Azerbaijani scientist on the development of astronomy, mathematics, geodesy, ethics, geography, philosophy and other sciences. The work has been written in accordance with ideas of patriotism.
Readers will have an opportunity to read interesting scientific facts very easily. But it is necessary to read it attentively. We name the fifth investigation work of the young innovator writer Ramiz Daniz “Courageous step towards the great purpose” and wish him great future of creation.
The Associate Member of ANAS,
Doctor of geographical sciences,
Professor Eybali Mehraliyev