10 October 2022
Emil Jabrayilov, Researcher at the Department of Landscape and Landscape Planning of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A.Aliyev, represented our country at the 5th Asian Geographic Conference held in Taing Nguyen, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
The event, organized by the Asian Geographic Society, Taing Nguyen University of Vietnam, the Vietnam Geographical Society and the Institute of Geography of the Vietnam Academy of Sciences, was dedicated to the theme "Geography in a dynamically developing Asia." More than 360 specialists, scientists and students from 26 countries took part in the conference. The young specialist made a presentation on “The dynamics of Azerbaijan's snow-glacier ecosystems under the conditions of climate change and its expected consequences”, which he co-authored with Azerbaijani specialist Ph.D. Mirnukh Ismayilov. Discussions took place around the presentation, which aroused interest among the participants.
Within the framework of international cooperation, it was agreed to study the processes in glaciers as a sensitive indicator of climate change, to prepare joint scientific work with Asian countries on the impact on human activity.
Our representative also participated in meetings with representatives of geographical societies of such countries as Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, and held discussions on issues of joint cooperation and expansion of mutual ties.
According to E. Jabrayilov, the V Asian Geographic Conference, held in Vietnam, created an important platform for academic exchange and cooperation between the geographers of this continent, demonstrated to the world the results of research and achievements of Asian geography.