04 february 2025

February 4 marks the 75th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding geographer, renowned specialist in the field of the Caspian Sea and oceanologist, laureate of the State Prize, holder of the Order of Glory Ramiz Mammadov, former director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev.  

Ramiz Mammadov was born on February 4, 1950 in the village of Garajalar, Gardabani district, Republic of Georgia, to a family of intellectuals. In 1972, he graduated from the Physics Department of the Azerbaijan State University.Mamedov began his scientific activity in 1973 at the Center for Caspian Sea Problems of the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1980, he defended his PhD thesis on "Turbulent Exchange in Shallow Seas and Freshwater Bodies" at the Moscow Institute of Oceanology in the specialty "Oceanology" and received the academic degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Since 1991, Ramiz Mamedov has been the head of the Center for Caspian Sea Problems of the Institute of Geography, and since 1994 he has been working as the deputy director for scientific work of this institute. From 2012 until the end of his life, he was the director of the Institute of Geography named after G.A. Aliyev.

In 1995, the scientist defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Variability of hydrophysical zones of the Caspian Sea and its impact on the spread of pollutants" and received the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 2001, he became a corresponding member of ANAS in the specialty "Geography", and in 2014 he was elected as a full member. In 2009, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty "Hydrology".Mamedov's scientific research is mainly focused on the most pressing issues of the Caspian Sea - hydrology, hydrophysics, interaction of the atmosphere and the sea, the study of turbulent exchange and turbulent diffusion in the sea, changes in the level, the impact of climate change on the Caspian Sea, the creation of a physical-geographical model of the spread of pollutants in the sea, the state of the Caspian Sea and the ecogeography of the Caspian Sea as a whole.

The main areas of R. Mamedov’s scientific research also include problems of transboundary waters of the Kura-Araz basin, research into the desertification process in Azerbaijan, landscape planning and environmental protection. Mamedov is the author of more than 320 scientific articles, 15 books and 1 atlas; more than 20 of his works are included in the list of important results of ANAS.

The scientist has developed a comprehensive plan for Caspian research in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He was an organizer and active participant in holding international and republican conferences on the Caspian in Baku. He is the author of the first National Report of the Republic of Azerbaijan within the framework of the UNEP program. By the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated March 2, 2016, Academician Ramiz Mammadov was appointed Secretary responsible for the preparation of the "Atlas of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan".

Mamedov has participated in various scientific conferences in 82 cities around the world. He has been awarded scientific grants from international foundations such as the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation, European Copernicus, INTAS, Framework Programs 6 and 7, NATO Science for Peace, etc. Under Mamedov's supervision, 15 candidates of science and 4 doctors of science have been trained. He has taught students at BSU, ADPU and the Aviation Academy.

Ramiz Mammadov worked in a number of scientific organizations in the republic, abroad and in foreign countries. During his tenure, significant successes were achieved in the geographical science of Azerbaijan. An outstanding scientist, organizer of science, head of an enterprise and a sincere person Ramiz Mammadov, who sets an example for our youth with his diligence, assiduity and purposeful creativity, will always live in the hearts of those who knew him.



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