• COP29-a dair müəllimlərə təlim keçirilib

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  • Layihə iştirakçıları məktəblilərlə görüşdə COP-un əhəmiyyətindən danışıblar
    08 October 2024

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  • 13 June 2024

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  • 10 June 2024

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  • ADU-nun tələbələri Quba rayonunda olublar
    17 May 2024

    Azərbaycan Dillər Universitetinin təşkilatçılığı ilə Qubanın Qəçrəş və Təngəaltı istirahət zonalarına eko-tur təşkil edilib.

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  • Azərbaycanlı tələbə beynəlxalq layihənin Cənubi Qafqaz üzrə qalıbi olub

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  • A conference on the natural and economic systems of Karabakh was held
    26 April 2022

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  • A meeting with the head of the AGS was held at the gymnasium
    11 March 2022

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  • The young scientist returned from the Netherlands with a certificate
    03 March 2022

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  • Our geographers shared their impressions of their visit to Shusha
    16 february 2022

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  • The geographer have been a guest of GunAz TV
    13 february 2022

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  • Scientist - geographer spoke about the economic and geographical assessment of floods
    11 february 2022

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  • The geographer took part in the risk assessment event
    04 february 2022

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  • Our geographers attends Ecosystem Assessment event
    25 December 2021

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  • The geographer took part in an international seminar on remote sensing
    24 December 2021

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  • Geographers visited Karabakh
    21 December 2021

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  • A conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Salekh Rustamov was held.
    17 December 2021

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  • The geographer was asked to prepare a textbook for Moscow State University
    14 December 2021

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  • Geographers joins book collection campaign
    10 December 2021

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  • Zakir Eminov took part in Caspian Energy Forum
    10 December 2021

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  • Zakir Eminov spoke about the demographic problems of Karabakh
    06 December 2021

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  • The 90th birthday of academician A. Mamedov was celebrated
    03 December 2021

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  • GIS specialists were awarded certificates
    02 December 2021

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  • Coğrafiya və Təbii Resurslar
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Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography National Library of Azerbaijan GoMap National Geographic