19 february 2016
The writer, researcher and publicist Ramiz Daniz was born in Baku in 1965. He graduated from secondary school in 1983. He has been a President grant holder since 2009 and he is a laureate of the “Golden pen” (2005) award. Ramiz Daniz was a participant of Karabakh war (1993-1996). He is member of The Union of Azerbaijan Writers (1999) and Geography Society (2013). He works in the Oil Refining Factory of SOCAR (1988). He. He is member of The Union of Azerbaijan Writers (1999) and Geography Society (2013). is married and has three children
He is the author of works as

The books in Azerbaijan language:
1. “Yeni Dünya sahillərinə yollanan konkistadorlar” - “Conquistadors depart to the New Land”) - 616 p.
2. “Konkistadorların Mərkəzi Çili sahillərində faciəli ölümü” - (“The fatal death of conquistadors on the central Chile shores”)                                                                                                                         - 760 p.
3. “Müqəddəs missiya” – (“Sacred mission”)                                                                            - 553 p.
4. “Cənnətə gedənlər cəhənnəmə düşürlər” – (“People going to heaven go to hell”)            - 559 p.
5. “Xristofor Kolumb, Nəsirəddin Tusi və Amerikanın qitəsinin həqiqi kəşfi” – (“Christopher Columbus, Nasiraddin Tusi and discovery of America”)                                                             - 352 p.
6. “Əsrləri qabaqlamış alim Nəsirəddin Tusi” – (“The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi”)                                                                      - 432 p.
7. “Braziliyanın müəmmalı kəşfi” – (“«Enigmatic discovery of Brazil”)                                 - 180 p.
8. “Ameriqo Vespuççi, Martin Valdzemüller gizlin sövdələşmə” – (“Amerigo Vespucci, Martin Waldsemuller – secret bargain”)            - 352 p.
9. “Qismət” – (“Portion”)                                                                                                              - 292 p.
10. “Aqibət” - (“Incitement”)                                                                                                        - 288 p.
11. “Qəlblərdə yaşayan Mir Cəlal” – (“Eternal Mir Jalal”)                                                       - 164 p.
12. “Fitva” - (“Fortune and Future”)                                                                                            - 296 p.
13. “Həqiqət” - (“The Truth”)                                                                                                        - 437 p.
The books in Russian:
1. «Христофор Колумб,  Насирэддин Туси и подлинная история открытия Америки» -  (“Christopher Columbus, Nasiraddin Tusi and discovery of America”)                                                                    - 271 p.
2. «Насирэддин Туси – ученый, опередивший века» - (“The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi”)                                                    - 404 p. 
3. «Загадочное открытие Бразилии» - (“«Enigmatic discovery of Brazil”)                             - 188 p.
4. «Америго Веспуччи, Мартин Вальдземюллер – тайный сговор»  - (“Amerigo Vespucci, Martin Waldsemuller – secret bargain”)                                  - 276 p.  
The books in English:
1. Christopher Columbus, Nasiraddin Tusi and real discovery of America.                      - 204 p.
2. “The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi”.                                              - 297 p.
3. “Enigmatic discovery of Brazil.                                                                                             - 139 p.
4. “Amerigo Vespucci, Martin Waldsemuller – secret bargain”.                                             - 226 p.
The books in Spanish:
1. “Américo Vespucio, Martin Waldseemüller – el convenio secreto” - (“Amerigo Vespucci, Martin Waldsemuller – secret bargain”)               


Enigmatic discovery of Brazil - I Part

Bulls of Popes or division of the world    -   II Part

Portugal`s alternative way to shores of Brazil      -   III

The sensational map found in the Topkapi Palace Museum of Istanbul

The sensation coordinate grid in Piri Reis`s map (II Part)

Who is the real author of the map – admiral Piri Reis or Nasiraddin Tusi? (III Part)

There was used spherical trigonometry by who made the Topkapi map       (IV Part)
Duarte Pacheco Pereira and unofficial discovery of Brazil

Amerigo Vespucci’s manipulation skill

When will Femida act for the name “America”?

Martin Waldsemuller and the geography circle of Sen-Dye

Nasiraddin Tusi and his geometric work “Tahriru Uglidis”

The discovery of geometry in Maragha observatory   

Nasiraddin Tusi and his mathematical work “Shaklul qita”

The development of mathematics in Maragha observatory

Beginning of activity of Regiomontanus

The top of Regiomontanus activities

The researches of Nasiraddin Tusi and Regiomontan`s tireless work

Extinction of the book “Shaklul Gita” in Arabian language and the book “De trianqulus” of Regiomontanus

The scientific work of scientist in the limelight

The scientific works of Nasiraddin Tusi

Pedro Cabral and Portugal kingdom demonstrating hegemony in the Atlantic Ocean  -  Part  I

Portuguese marine travelling to India  -  Part  II

Adventure of the Portuguese marine travelling to India in the Atlantic Ocean  -  Part  I

The discover of Brazil was planned in Lisbon  -  Part II

Vicente Janez Pinson, Diego Lepe or who officially discovered Brazil for the first time?  -  Part  I      

First, Spaniards have discovered Brazil  -  Part  II

Good offices of Martin Behaim and explanation of questions concerning Brazil  -  Part  I 

Portuguese travelers carrying out research in the Atlantic Ocean  -  Part  II

Meeting of Alonso Sánchez de Huelva with Christopher Columbus on Madeira Islands  -  Part  I 

Alonso Sanchez de Huelva didn't play any role in discovery of the New World  -  Part  II

Some islands on the Atlantic Ocean were known by Muslim scientists   -  Part I

Ferdinand van Olmen and the transatlantic project of Columbus  -  Part II

Columbus was considered real candidate, who would conquer the Atlantic  -  Part III

Duarte Pacheco Pereira and unofficial discovery of Brazil

Discovery of the New World had ended hegemony of Portugal    -  Part  I

Pope VI Alexandr Borgia divides the world into two parts

Portuguese travelers and currents on the Atlantic Ocean  -  Part  I

Activities of Duarte Pacheco Pereira and Christopher Columbus  -  Part  II

Fortune of Pedro Cabral, who had reached India

“Enigmatic discovery of Brazil”  -  Preface  by Academician Ramiz Mammadov

“Enigmatic discovery of Brazil” – Review by Academician  Ramiz Mammadov and Candidate of geographical sciences Shamil Azizov

“Enigmatic discovery of Brazil” – Review by Doctor of technical sciences Nugay Aliyev

“Amerigo Vespucci, Martin Waldsemuller – secret bargain”   -  Preface by Professor Elbrus Alizadeh

«Christopher Columbus, Nasiraddin Tusi and real discovery of America» - Preface by professor Allahverdiyev Nizameddin

“The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi” - Preface by Academician Ramiz Mammadov

“The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi”  - Scientific editor by Professor Eybali Mehraliyev

Preface - Letters of Amerigo Vespucci compilation

Preface – Transatlantic project of Columbus

Preface - Rich financers, who defended Columbus’s project

“Admiral Piri Reis’s map” Preface

Preface - Pedro Cabral and Amerigo Vespucci`s traveling to the Brazilian coast

Preface - Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci

Preface - Columbus was aware of the existence of America beforehand

Preface - King Manuel’s plan and discovery of Brazil

Preface - Ambitions of Columbus and Vespucci’s ruse

“Christopher Columbus and discovery of America” - Preface

Preface - Nasiraddin Tusi and development of astronomy

“The development of geometry and mathematics at the Maragha Observatory” - Preface

Preface - The most grandiose academy of sciences was located in Maragha

Preface – “Destroying a superbolide”



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